
Habit 2.2.10 released

Habit 2.2.10 released

A new version of Habit, version 2.2.10, has been released and is available on our downloads page. 

This version fixes a BUG that may have caused inaccurate results in some cases - see below for more. 

This version will run on macOS 10.13-13 (High Sierra, Mojave, Catalina, Big Sur, Monterey, Ventura) and Windows 10 (Windows 11 _should_ be supported, but I have not tested yet - anyone else?)

Habit 2.2.8 released

An new version of Habit2 - version 2.2.8 - is now available on our downloads page

This version is nearly identical to the previous version. The previous version (2.2.7) used an installer that will not work on MacOS Catalina (10.15) and beyond. This version can be installed on MacOS Catalina (10.15) and Big Sur (11). This version will also run on older MacOS, including Mojave (10.14) and High Sierra (10.13).

Users of Sierra (10.12) and older should use Habit2-2.2.7. 

Known problems:

Habit 2.2.7 Now Available

A new version of Habit, 2.2.7, is now available (download here). This version has two bug fixes that may affect you - see below. 

As always, you may install this version over an existing 2.2.x version of Habit. 

​Changes in this version of Habit

Habituation by Total Looking Time

Habit 2.2.6 released

A new version of Habit, version 2.2.6, is now available for download

This version is a roll-up of several changes and bug fixes made over the last few months. Some of you have a preview of this version, labelled 2.2.5-rcN (N=1,2,3,4). I've thrown a couple more changes in and I decided to skip over 2.2.5 entirely and skip the numbering to 2.2.6. 

MacOS users

   The installer you download for this version will depend on what version of macOS you are using.

Habit 2.2.3 released

   I've released a new version of Habit for Mac and Windows: version 2.2.3. This version is a drop-in replacement for Habit 2.2.1 and 2.2.2 (2.2.1 users may upgrade directly to 2.2.3). Your existing settings (from 2.2.x) are preserved and will continue to work with this newer version. 

Habit 2.2.2 released

  After many months of development, we're finally releasing Habit2 for Windows! Download Habit 2.2.2 for Mac or Windows now!

   Habit 2.2.2 has some important fixes to version 2.2.1, so all users of Habit 2.2.1 should update their version (see below for changes and bug fixes). The Windows version is based on the same code, with only minor variations due to the differences between the Mac and Windows platforms. More on that, too, below.

Habit 2.2.1 released!

  Its been a long time, but the time has finally come to release a new version of Habit. We're calling this version 2.2.1, and there's a lot that's changed. We have a new User's Manual (draft version), and we've submitted a methods paper describing habit2. Here's some of the key changes you'll see (and some that you won't see):

Habit 2.1.25 released

A new version of Habit, version 2.1.25, is available for download! You may install this version (if you choose) over your existing version - your experimental settings and results will be saved.

What's changed?

Well, a lot, actually, but not much that you will see....yet. I've begun making some major changes under the hood, preparing for a major new release this summer (along with a long-awaited methods paper describing Habit2 and its many uses).